REINCARNATION IS REAL! By HC Esotericist Monday Wehere


And it is appointed unto man ONCE to die but after this judgment Hebrew 9:27. 

Once here means immediately and does not any way mean one single life time. 

The true meaning of this verse is that any time the Soul leaves the human body, immediately or simultaneously there will be judgment.  The Soul evolves on two planes: physical and spiritual plane. 

Before it takes birth too, there is judgment to determine its conditions on earth and when the Soul too leaves the human body there is another judgment.  The Soul will continue to experience these until it achieves Perfection and stop incarnation.

So any person who teaches you that ONCE here means one life time does not:

Know the Bible
Know the true purpose of creation
Know God.

Wake up from your slumber.  Stand up and begin to reject this type of wrong teachings meant to keep you earth bound.

He who has ears to hear let him hear ooo!


The theory of reincarnation is recorded in the Bible. But the proper interpretations were struck from it during an Ecumenical council meeting of the Catholic Church in Constantinople sometime around 553 A.D., called the Council of Nicea. The Council members voted to strike those teaching from the Bible in order to solidify Church control (234-235).
There were indeed references to reincarnation in the Old and New Testaments. In A.D. 325 the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, along with his mother, Helena, had deleted references to reincarnation contained in the New Testament. The Second Council of Constantinople meeting in A.D. 553, confirmed this action and declared the concept of reincarnation a heresy.

The theory of reincarnation is recorded in the Bible. But the proper interpretations were struck from it during an Ecumenical Council meeting of the Catholic Church in Constantinople sometime around 553 A.D, called the Council of Nicea. The Council members voted to strike those teachings from the Bible in order to solidify Church control. [New York: Bantam Books, 1983, pp. 234-5.]

In order to fill the gap resulting from the damnation of the reincarnation theory, and in order to support the church doctrine then of only one human life, new theological dogmas had to be created. These include:

The Original Sin

Creation of the Soul at the moment of Conception

Mortal Sin

Judgment Day

Purgatory and Damnation

The Second Coming of Jesus to take his faithful to heaven

At the same time, the necessity of salvation through priestly intermediaries was justified, for without them this system of the new church doctrines would not have worked out.

In addition to these in the New Testament, evidence shows that reincarnation was part of the Churchs early doctrine and was promoted by Church Fathers, writers who established Christian doctrine prior to the eighth century and whose works were used to disseminate Christian ideas to populations of the Roman Empire.

To be considered a Church Father one had to meet the following criteria. One had to lead a holy life;, ones writings had do be free of doctrinal error; ones interpretation of Christian doctrine was deemed to be exemplary; and ones writings had to have approval of the Church.

A number of Christian Church Fathers believed in and wrote about reincarnation:
St. Justin Martyr (100165 A.D.) expressly stated that the soul inhabits more than one human body. 

Origen (185254 A.D.), who was considered by St. Jerome as the greatest teacher of the Church after the Apostles, defended the idea that the soul exists before the body, fundamental to the concept of reincarnation.

Another Church Father, St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (257332 A.D.), wrote: It is absolutely necessary that the soul should be healed and purified, and if this does not take place during its life on earth it must be accomplished in future lives. . . . The soul . . . is immaterial and invisible in nature, it at one time puts off one body . . . and exchanges it for a second.

St. Gregory also wrote: Every soul comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life.

St. Augustine (354430 A.D.), one of the greatest theologians of the Christian church, speculated that philosopher Plotinus was the reincarnation of Plato. St. Augustine wrote: The message of Plato . . . now shines forth mainly in Plotinus, a Platonist so like his master that one would think . . . that Plato is born again in Plotinus.

Other Church Fathers who demonstrated a belief in reincarnation included Synesius (the Bishop of Ptolemais), St. Ambrose, Pope Gregory I, Jerome, St. Athanasius, St. Basil, St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, and Clement of Alexandria.

Reincarnation and karma is real.   Master Jesus and Prophet Mohammed believed and taught Reincarnation and Karma.

The theory of reincarnation holds the key to human salvation, the key to the mystery of the life of God, the purpose of creation, the relationship of man to other kingdoms in nature, the cause and solution to human suffering are hidden in the theory of reincarnation and karma. They provide satisfactory explanation to the mystery behind the inequalities among men, natural disasters and show that God is neither partial nor the author of confusion but of peace.

If Master Jesus and Prophet Mohammed and other Great Souls came with a message of salvation to save man from destruction, and did not preach or teach reincarnation and karma during their time as some Biblical and Quoranic illiterates claim, then the purpose of the sacrifice They made would have been defeated.

Reincarnation and Karma are real.  Human happiness, agony, joy and health are functions of the theory of reincarnation.  Any man of God who does not believe, teach or preach reincarnation is a Biblical or Quoranic illiterate and should be avoided because he is far from God and cannot therefore lead any person to the same God he is far from.

H.K. Challoner, (Man Triumphant p23 1992) using the theory of reincarnation as a working hypothesis, maintains that the theory that we live lives has a great advantage over others in that it accounts for all the handicaps and inequalities with which men are born, as well as for the extraordinary gifts and powers which many seem to posses almost from birth, she wondered:

These people who show genius as early as two to three years old and seem to know things without being taught- where did they acquire such knowledge from?

Such situations seem on the face of it very unfair on the part of that Power which apparently apportions joy and sorrow, gifts and deprivations in an erratic manner, or from a sort of favouritism.

This provokes endless questions for which the Church never seems to find satisfactory answers except to say it is the will of God, which is no answer at all to people who want less vague and more satisfying explanations. So we go on questioning:

Why do some highly gifted person who is valuable to society die young or suffer an accident, which handicaps him for life?

Why does a father or mother, the mainstay of the family, die just when they seem most needed?

Why do opportunities come out of the blue to one person while another never gets a chance?

Why do good people so often go through terrible suffering and are deprived of everything and evil people flourish (as the Bible says) like a Green Bay tree?
Why, in some disaster, is one person miraculously saved and others, we may think more worthy, die?

Why do we get all sorts of trials and difficulties when we feel we have done our best and don't deserve them?

Why are children born with terrible physical handicaps?

Why are some people born rich and have chances in life and others are born into slums where life is a continual struggle against hopeless odds?

We can go on throwing questions such as these endless at life. We demand justice, a fair deal, not only for ourselves but for others and that seems to be about the last thing the majority gets. WHY?

On forgiveness of sin, which is related to the Laws of Rebirth and Karma, if God forgives sins, God would have demonstrated it in the lives of Apostle Paul, who persecuted the early Christians, Prophet Elijah who killed many prophets of Baals.  Apart from Apostle Paul who, in the same incarnation, paid for some of his sins, Prophet Elijah in his later incarnations as John the Baptist, had to pay for his sins. That was why Jesus did not make any effort to go and rescue John the Baptist from the hand of Herod even when John Baptist sent his disciples to him (Jesus) to ask him if he was indeed the messiah they were waiting for, with the hope that as messiah, Jesus could come and rescue him, (Luke 7:18-20).

But Jesus already knew that John was Elijah and by divine law must pay for his sin of murder.

Jesus answered and said to them: 'indeed Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come already and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their hands.' Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them of John the Baptist. (Matt. 17: 11-13)
But Jesus said to him, 'Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword,' (Matt 26:52).

Another good example of reincarnation in the Holy Bible was the drama that happened in John 9:1-2.

And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.  And his disciples asked him saying, Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?

At this juncture, one would have expected Master Jesus to admonish his disciples for asking such a stupid question if they had not believed and taken the concept of reincarnation for granted.  But Master Jesus esoterically answered.

Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

Now, what are the works of God?  This simply refers to the Divine Laws, among which are the Laws of Rebirth and Karma made manifest in the boy. 

These Laws were made by God and are therefore the works of God. Master Jesus was right! Remember Master Jesus spoke in parables throughout his ministry.

He who has ears to hear let him hear oooooooo!

I have done my part, it is now left for you to wake up from your slumber and begin to pursue the Knowledge of Thyself because it is only when You know yourself that is the only way you can know God. 

The present day interpretations of the bible in the churches cannot assist any Christian to achieve Self and God realization the requirements needed to worship God in spirit and in truth.

I dont hate Christians nor am I attacking the Church but my duty is simple to expose those areas where the present day church is misinterpreting the Bible for mercenary motives.   My concern is to liberate those Christians who already known that they are held captives. For those who do not know there is noting I can do. No amount of insults, intimidation or hatred will deter me from this divine mission.

Your in the service of humanity

HC Esotericist Monday Wehere JP

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