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Here are three ingredients you can find in your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator that promises to give you a tighter skin than Botox.
The recipe is of a mask for face lifting that can remove 10 years from your face.
It’s a mask than can serve as alternative to many cosmetic treatments sold in beauty salons.
 In addition to being cost-effective, its effect is equivalent to the well-known Botox.
This mask is completely natural with a resulting effect that tightens the skin,visible even after the first application!

·         1 egg white
·          half a teaspoon of lemon juice
·         half a teaspoon of coconut oil

·         First you need to take a medium sized egg and separate the egg white from the yolk.
·         Then you need to place the egg white into a small bowl and whisk it until dense foam is formed.
·         Next thing you need to do is add the lemon juice and the coconut oil, and whisk again.
·         Clean your face thoroughly before you apply the mask!
·         Apply the mask to a cleansed face and leave on for about 10-15 minutes.
·         When the mask dries, rinse with warm water .

Source: yinkatimayinblog

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